
Wblock operation rejected
By Michael
Sep 21, 2016 - 9:23:52 PM

Error: "Wblock operation rejected due to a proxy object that does not allow copying" in AutoCAD


When using the WBLOCK command in AutoCAD, the following error is displayed:  
Wblock operation rejected due to a proxy object that does not allow copying


Objects in the drawing were created by a third-party application or a vertical AutoCAD product that uses custom objects. These objects cannot be copied without the native program or an object enabler for that product installed.


Delete the proxy objects or install the object enabler for the third-party program.  

As a possible alternative to this, test the following workflow:
  1. Start a new clean drawing, such as acadiso.dwt.
  2. Use  INSERT  and insert the affected file into the clean drawing.
  3. Test the  COPYCLIP  command.
Note:  In some cases no proxy warning is displayed and using the alternative workflow should help to resolve the problem with WBLOCK, as it deletes the proxy element while inserting the content into a new file.

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